Trevor de Clercq and Kyle Hutchinson, Editors

Daphne Tan, Reviews Editor

Theory and Practice is the journal of the Music Theory Society of New York State (MTSNYS), published annually since 1975. The journal has featured a wide range of topics in music theory, including analysis, history, pedagogy, and theoretical approaches to various musical genres and styles, and it has acted as a venue for emerging scholars in the field of music theory through the Society's Patricia Carpenter Emerging Scholar Award. Volumes 1–46 are available in PDF at JSTOR

This online version of Theory and Practice was created by Brian Moseley, drawing on an approach to information design pioneered by Edward Tufte and Dave Liepmann's Tufte CSS.

Theory and Practice Staff

Editorial Board

  • Knar Abrahamyan (Columbia University)
  • Guy Capuzzo (University of North Carolina Greensboro)
  • Leah Frederick(University of Colorado Boulder)
  • Samuel Ng (University of Cincinnati)
  • John Peterson (James Madison University)
  • Cara Stroud (Michigan State University)
  • Fred Hosken (Butler University)
  • Chris Segall (University of Cincinnati)
  • Landon Morrison (Eastman School of Music)
  • Matthew Poon (University of Wisconsin Eau Claire)

MTSNYS Board of Directors

  • Philip S. Stoecker, President (Hofstra University)
  • Loretta Terrigno, Vice President (Eastman School of Music)
  • Sarah Marlowe, Secretary (Eastman School of Music)
  • Anna Stephan-Robinson, Treasurer (West Liberty University)
  • Ruka Shironishi, Member-at-large (Mannes School of Music)
  • Lukas Perry, Member-at-large (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
  • Nathan Lam, Member-at-large (Eastman School of Music)
  • Stephanie Venturino, Member-at-large (Yale School of Music)